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Rudasis lokys
         Taste it, and you will be pleasantly surprised - the taste of the particular "Mažeikiai Lokys" product is truly original: upon immersing your lips in the foam of "Rudasis lokys" you will immediately be enchanted by the sweet malt flavour with the caramel malt and hop bitterness blended in it. The particular excellent flavour is developed by the unique mix formulation applied - not only barley malt but also caramel one is used. The beer is as strong as a brown bear, its alcohol content is 7,2 % vol.

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When do you enjoy beer?

In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening

Total: 35

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Counter starts with 2003-04-16

UAB „Mažeikių Lokys“ property 2001 - 2003                  Design & programing by t-z studio, 2003