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The brewery
        The Brewery "Mažeikių Lokys" is the oldest enterprise in Mažeikiai; it was established in 1932 by the brothers Šadauskai. During the operation period of over 70 years brewing technologies have been improved and the range of 13 brands of cheap but qualitative beer have been developed by the Brewery in order to satisfy the taste of the most fastidious beer consumers.
        The ones preferring a glass of mineral water as refreshment will for sure appreciate the natural "Lokio" mineral water and mineralised water "Laima" both attained from the very deepest (even 768 meters) spring in Lithuania and featuring not only fine taste, but also wholesome qualities.


Additional info:

When do you enjoy beer?

In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening

Total: 35

www statistics
Counter starts with 2003-04-16

UAB „Mažeikių Lokys“ property 2001 - 2003                  Design & programing by t-z studio, 2003